Authentic Wines
My wines stem from a deep-rooted connection between an exceptional vineyard site and native grape varieties.
Respect for the identity of these two essential components produces authentic wines, grown as naturally as possible, with no or very few winemaking inputs and minimal use of sulphur.
From vineyard management and harvesting to winemaking and maturation techniques, every aspect aligns with my own beliefs, which I also apply to my day-to-day life – and that is to preserve the fragile nature of nature itself.
Yves Falmet
A trained winemaker, I gained extensive international experience before selecting and developing my own vineyard in AOC Saint Chinian.
For 25 years now, I have aimed to bring out the finest of each vintage. Year after year, the quality of my wines, that are recognised worldwide, has been the reward for such hard work.
Zero pesticides
For many years I have had my wines analysed by a specialised laboratory in order to track down the presence of pesticides, even in trace amounts.